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New Agile Leadership certification from IPMA

In 2020, the Czech Republic will be able to obtain a new certificationIPMA Agile Leadership. It will thus accompany the other two professional standards, Agile PMI and Prince 2 Agile. When comparing all 3 project management standards, it is IPMA that focuses the most on the competence knowledge of candidates and graduates. Like Prince 2, we perceive PMI more as a process framework for managing projects with the definition of inputs, outputs and tools to transform inputs into outputs.

Sign up for RedTie training, which will prepare you for future certification, which will open the door to many organizations that have already embarked or will embark on an agile transformation.

More information on the new certification is available here.

The IPMA Agile Leadership certification will be based on the following so-called Key Competence Indicators:



  IPMA Agile Leader
Perspective 1.1 Align agile teams with organisational mission and vision
Perspective 1.2 Identify and exploit opportunities to influence organizational strategy
Perspective 1.3 Develop and ensure the ongoing validity of the business/organizational justification for the  agile approach
Perspective 1.4 Determine, assess and review critical success factors
Perspective 1.5 Determine, assess and review key performance indicators

Governance, Structures and Processes

  IPMA Agile Leader
Perspective 2.1 Know the principles of agile work and the way they are applied.
Perspective 2.2 Know the principles of agile programme management and the way they are deployed.
Perspective 2.3 Know the principles of agile portfolio management and the way they are deployed.
Perspective 2.4 Align the agile work with supporting function
Perspective 2.5 Align the agile work with the organisation’s decision making and reporting structures and quality requirements
Perspective 2.6 Align the agile work with human resource processes and functions
Perspective 2.7 Align the agile work with finance and control processes and functions
Perspective 2.8 Bridges the principles of plan driven management and agile work.

Compliance, Standards and Regulations

  IPMA Agile Leader
Perspective 3.1 Identify, and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant legislation
Perspective 3.2 Identify, and ensure that the agile work with all relevant health, safety, security and environmental regulations (HSSE)
Perspective 3.3 Identify, and ensure that the agile work complies with all relevant codes of conduct and professional regulation
Perspective 3.4 Identify, and ensure that the agile work complies with relevant sustainability principles and goals
Perspective 3.5 Assess, use and develop  professional standards and tools for the agile work
Perspective 3.6 Assess, benchmark and improve the organisational agile competence

Power and Interest

  IPMA Agile Leader
Perspective 4.1 Assess the personal ambitions and interests of others and the potential impact of these on the agile work
Perspective 4.2 Assess the informal influence of agile teams and its potential impact on the project work
Perspective 4.3 Assess the personalities and working styles of others and employ them to the benefit of the agile work

Culture and Values

  IPMA Agile Leader
Perspective 5.1 Assess the culture and values of the society and their implications for the agile activities.
Perspective 5.2 Bridges the agile activities with the formal culture and corporate values of the organisation
Perspective 5.3 Assess the informal culture and values of the organisation and their implications for the agile activities

People – Lidé

Self-reflection and Self-management

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 1.1 Identify, and reflect on the ways in which own values and experiences affect the work
People 1.2 Build self-confidence on the basis of personal strengths and weaknesses
People 1.3 Identify, and reflect on, personal motivations to set personal goals and keep focus
People 1.4 Organise personal work depending on the situation and own resources
People 1.5 Take responsibility for personal learning and development

Personal Integrity and Reliability

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 2.1 Acknowledge and apply ethical values to all decisions and actions
People 2.2 Promote the sustainability of  outputs and outcomes
People 2.3 Take responsibility for own decisions and actions
People 2.4 Act, take decisions and communicate in a consistent way
People 2.5 Complete tasks thoroughly in order to build confidence with others

Personal Communication

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 3.1 Provide clear and structured information to others and verify their understanding
People 3.2 Facilitate and promote open communication
People 3.3 Choose communication styles and channels to meet the needs of the audience, situation and management level
People 3.4 Communicate effectively with and within virtual teams
People 3.5 Employ humour and sense of perspective when appropriate

Relations and Engagement

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 4.1 Initiate and develop personal and professional relations.
People 4.2 Build, facilitate and contribute to social networks
People 4.3 Demonstrate empathy trough listening, understanding and support for change.
People 4.4 Show confidence and respect by encouraging others to give feedback and to share their opinions or concerns.
People 4.5 Share own vision and goals in order to gain the engagements and commitment of others.
People 4.6 Uses the social capital that is present in the network and stimulates its increase.


  IPMA Agile Leader
People 5.1 Initiate actions and proactively offer help and advice
People 5.2 Take ownership and show commitment
People 5.3 Provide direction, coaching and mentoring to guide and improve the work of individuals and teams
People 5.4 Exert appropriate power and influence over others to achieve the goals
People 5.5 Facilitate, enforce and review decisions


  IPMA Agile Leader
People 6.1 Facilitates the selection and building of the team
People 6.2 Promote cooperation and networking between team members
People 6.3 Support, facilitate and review the development of the team and its members
People 6.4 Empower teams to determine tasks and responsibilities
People 6.5 Recognise opportunities to facilitate learning  and inspires the team to continuously improve

Conflict and Crisis

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 7.1 Anticipate and possibly prevent conflicts and crises, be open for and allow new ideas
People 7.2 Analyse the causes and  consequences of conflicts and crises and select appropriate response(s)
People 7.3 Mediate and resolve conflicts and crises and/or their impact
People 7.4 Identify and share learning from conflicts and crises in order to improve future practice all over the teams


  IPMA Agile Leader
People 8.1 Stimulate and support an open and creative environment
People 8.2 Apply conceptual thinking to define situations and strategies
People 8.3 Apply analytic techniques to analysing situations, financial and organisational data and trends
People 8.4 Promote and apply creative techniques to find alternatives and solutions
People 8.5 Promote a holistic view of the project and its context to improve decision-making


  IPMA Agile Leader
People 9.1 Identify and analyse the interests of all parties involved in the negotiation
People 9.2 Develop and evaluate options and alternatives with the potential to meet the needs of all parties
People 9.3 Define a negotiation strategy in line with own objectives that is acceptable to all parties involved
People 9.4 Reach negotiated agreements with other parties that are in line with own objectives
People 9.5 Detect and exploit additional selling and acquisition possibilities

Results orientation

  IPMA Agile Leader
People 10.1 Evaluate all decisions and actions against their impact on customer value and the goals of the organisation
People 10.2 Balance needs and means to optimise outcomes and success
People 10.3 Create and maintain a healthy, safe and productive agile work environment
People 10.4 Promote and ‘sell’ the agile work and its outcomes
People 10.5 Deliver results and get acceptance



  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 1.1 Acknowledge, prioritise and review success criteria
Practice 1.2 Review, apply and exchange lessons learned from retrospectives and with other agile teams
Practice 1.3 Determine complexity and its consequences for the approach
Practice 1.4 Select and review the overall  agile work approach
Practice 1.5 Design an initial (technical) product architecture

Goals and requirements

  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 2.1 Define and develop the goal hierarchy of the agile work
Practice 2.2 Identify and analyse the stakeholder needs and requirements
Practice 2.3 Continuously improve the definition of done


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 3.1 Define the solution or outcome
Practice 3.2 Ensures the identification of a minimal viable product
Practice 3.3 Ensures the successive increments
Practice 3.4 Establish and maintain scope configuration (i.e. backlog; user stories; story maps; or equivalent)


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 4.1 Define the activities required to deliver the agile work
Practice 4.2 Determine the work effort and duration of activities
Practice 4.3 Decide on release schedule approach
Practice 4.4 Sequence backlog items and plan iterations (e.g. sprints)
Practice 4.5 Monitor outcomes against the schedule and respond to change

Organisation and Information

  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 5.1 Assess and determine the needs of stakeholders relating to information and documentation
Practice 5.2 Define the structure, roles and responsibilities within the agile work
Practice 5.3 Establish infrastructure, processes and systems for information flow
Practice 5.4 Implement, monitor and maintain the organisation of the agile work


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 6.1 Develop, monitor the implementation of, and revise quality rules and goals for agile work
Practice 6.2 Review the agile work and its deliverables to ensure that they continue to meet the requirements of the quality rules and goals
Practice 6.3 Verify the achievement of quality goals and recommend any necessary improvements
Practice 6.4 Plan and organise the validation of the outcomes of the agile work
Practice 6.5 Ensure quality throughout the agile activities


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 7.1 Estimate costs
Practice 7.2 Establish the  budget
Practice 7.3 Helps to secure funding
Practice 7.4 Develop, establish and maintain a financial management and reporting system
Practice 7.5 Encourages the detection and elimination of waste in order to stay within budget.


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 8.1 Develop strategic resource plan to facilitate the agile work
Practice 8.2 Define the quality and quantity of resources required
Practice 8.3 Identify the potential sources of resources and negotiate their acquisition
Practice 8.4 Allocate and distribute resources according to defined need
Practice 8.5 Evaluate resource usage and take any necessary corrective actions


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 9.1 Agree on procurement needs, options and processes
Practice 9.2 Contribute to the evaluation and selection of suppliers and partners
Practice 9.3 Contribute to the negotiation and agreement of contractual terms and conditions that meet the goals of the agile work
Practice 9.4 Supervise the execution of contracts, address issues and seek redress where necessary

Plan and Control

  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 10.1 Start the agile activities and develop and get agreement on the MVP; Release planning; and the team rules
Practice 10.2 Initiate and manage the transition to a new release
Practice 10.3 Control agile work performance against the customer value and take any necessary remedial actions
Practice 10.4 Report on progress by using information radiators. Invites executives to ‘go and see’
Practice 10.5 Welcomes changing requirements when they benefits the customers competitive advantage
Practice 10.6 Close and evaluate a release, a sprint or the complete agile work

Risk and Opportunity

  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 11.1 Tailor the risk management frameworks for the agile work
Practice 11.2 Identify risks and opportunities
Practice 11.3 Assess the probability and impact of risks and opportunities
Practice 11.4 Select strategies and implement response plans to address risks and opportunities
Practice 11.5 Evaluate and monitor risks, opportunities and implemented responses


  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 12.1 Identify stakeholders and analyse their specific interests and influence
Practice 12.2 Develop and maintain a stakeholder strategy and communication plan
Practice 12.3 Engage with the executive, sponsors and higher management to gain commitment and to manage interests and expectations
Practice 12.4 Engage with team members, users, partners and suppliers to gain their cooperation and commitment
Practice 12.5 Organise and maintain networks and alliances

Change and Transformation

  IPMA Agile Leader
Practice 13.1 Assess the adaptability to change of the organisation(s)
Practice 13.2 Identify change requirements and transformation opportunities
Practice 13.3 Develop change or transformation strategy
Practice 13.4 Implement change or transformation management strategy